Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
photos by Annette Pitts
Welcome to these beautiful islands. Stay awhile and see what makes this part of the world so unforgettable. Whether you arrive by bridge or ferry, those moments spent crossing the water will transport you to a different way of life. Surrounded by mountains and sea in every direction, Whidbey and Camano Islands seem infused with serenity and inspiration. These islands will move you…if you let them.

Too much of travel today looks like rushing around completing a To-Do list, but that’s no way to have a transformative experience. To truly experience the islands, a certain slowing down is necessary. There is so much to see, taste, and experience here that you can’t possibly do it all in one trip, so relieve yourself of that burden and take your time to explore. The most charming surprises can be found, and the loveliest people met when we slow down to enjoy the journey.
Whidbey and Camano Islands represent not just home but a sanctuary to so many residents, both human and otherwise. The tight-knit island communities rely on each other, and our stories are interwoven with those of the land and wildlife. This interconnected nature is apparent from the vast number of non-profit organizations present here; some estimates suggest almost one for every 100 residents! These groups range from protecting a specific species to safeguard the whole shoreline, preserve a heritage building, or connect local people with much-needed resources. The people of these islands care deeply for each other and the environment. We invite you to join us in these stewardship efforts.
At its best, travel has the power to reshape our perspectives. That is true whether we’re seeing a new part of our hometown or flying across the globe. Whidbey and Camano Islands are, of course, gorgeous, but it’s a deeper connection with the unique culture of this place that will really stay with you. To travel with intention is the key, engaging authentically with the places we visit and stretching ourselves to imagine life in new ways. Let us interact kindly with each other and the land so that future generations may enjoy the same beauty and abundance.