Marketing Background and Assistance
If you’re a lodging owner, restaurant owner, have another kind of business, or are just interested in Whidbey and Camano Island Tourism Marketing, we have information here that will help.
Publication Requirements:
- You must give credit to “Embrace Whidbey and Camano Islands.”
- If there is a photographer’s name or company name attached to an image, you must also credit him or her or their company.
- If there is an author’s name as a byline to any article or blog post, we ask that, if it works for your publication, that you also note the author of that writing.
- All image watermarks (if any) must be left in place.
- We may follow-up to see how they were used.
- There may be even larger versions or alternate versions of these images available.
- Don’t see what you need? Ask! We’re always shooting new stuff and are open to your needs and ideas.