Join Whidbey Playhouse for a magical family experience with Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical, Cinderella! Directed by Allenda Jenkins, with Sarah Russell as the assistant director, and musical direction by Darren and Heather McCoy, this enchanting production promises to captivate audiences of all ages with its charm and breathtaking performances. Produced by Janinne Brunyee, the talented cast and crew are dedicated to bringing this beloved fairy tale to life.
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella is a timeless story of hope and kindness, where dreams become reality. Set in a world of enchantment, this musical emphasizes the power of inner beauty and the resilience to pursue one’s dreams. Cinderella’s journey reminds everyone that with perseverance and self-belief, even the most impossible dreams can come true.
Starring Gabrielle Eaton as Cinderella, Jordan Kingma as Prince Christopher, and Karina Andrew as the Fairy Godmother, this adaptation promises to be a memorable experience for audiences of all ages. Families will be inspired by this heartwarming story, unforgettable melodies, and the magic of live theater. Don’t miss out on this enchanting performance—come and see Cinderella at Whidbey Playhouse!
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