by Jack Penland
Yup! That’s January sneaking out the door! We’re 1/12 of the way through the year. If you’re among those with decorations “not quite” put away, or maybe with some Halloween candy stuck in a drawer, I have a suggestion. Let’s fast-forward things and actually get ahead on something important!
It’s “Take Your Vacation Day!” OK, so it’s one of those slightly annoying made-up holidays, but the idea here is spot-on. You probably left some vacation days unused in 2017. Everybody in the corporate world does. It seems with everything else that we all have to do, vacation planning just gets pushed aside. So, that’s why there’s today. A day spotlighting the need to get this vacation-thing done.
The idea is, the way to get something going is to schedule it. Yes, in today’s world this means some planning.
Here’s what you do. Check about big deadlines in your work and come up with some date ranges. Yes, taking with the boss about taking time off is never easy. But, it’s something that’s as much yours as your paycheck, so take it. Depending on your company you might have to aim a few months out. Generally, supervisors accept vacation requests a lot more calmly if the time off is a few months away. If the kids’ school forces you into a summer-only vacation, act quickly before your co-workers do.
Your spouse should be doing the same thing. The two of you should come up mutually acceptable date ranges. Then, sit with the kids, and their calendars. Remind them about music camp, soccer practice and every other little thing they manage to get involved in.
Once you have dates, and have in writing supervisor approval, then tell everyone who needs to know. Tell co-workers. Tell football coaches, committees you work on, and get it posted in the kids’ calendars. Check the kids’ schedule. Did they actually do it right? Re-check the bosses’ work. Re-check your work.
Now, commit some money. Someone will want you to change plans. If you’ve already paid for part of your vacation, then you have a reason to tell that person, “no.”
There, you have something to look forward to.
You’re welcome!
For more, visit the U.S. Travel Association Website