Performers on stage in front of an audience.

Performing Artists

Whidbey and Camano Islands are filled with performing artists you can enjoy while visiting here.

Literary Artists on Whidbey and Camano Islands

Whidbey and Camano Islands have long inspired writers of all kinds. With plenty of solitude to aid concentration and a lively natural setting for inspiration, it’s no wonder so many novels, plays, songs, and movies have come to fruition here. With a wide variety of accommodation options, the perfect writing refuge awaits. Surround yourself with…

The red barn of Greenbank Farm with the water in the background

Greenbank Farm

Art, Food, Shopping, Wetlands, and Trails Greenbank Farm is a semi-working farm with that has evolved into a community of shops offering everything from wine and cheese to pies to furniture.The farm is located along one of the narrowest points of Whidbey island and the walking trails offer beautiful views of the water.The farm was…