Sculptor Georgia Gerber works on giant clay ducks.

Artist Portrait: Georgia Gerber

Georgia Gerber specializes in whimsical sculptures from singing ducks to Langley’s boy and dog. Her most famous piece is the pig at Pike Place Market.

Mona Newbauer on KIRO Radio

Mona Newbauer on KIRO Radio

Fun events, caramels, food, and of course, chocolate were on the agenda when Mona Newbauer appeared on the Tom Douglas radio show “Seattle Kitchen.” The owner of Sweet Mona’s is well known for her chocolate shop in Langley and she’s sharing some of her sweet treats in Seattle, as well! Click on the play arrow…

A whale fluke sticks out of the water

Whale Watching Tours from Whidbey Island

Whale watching in the spring is special. While resident and transient orca can be found in Puget Sound almost any time of the year, March and April features the addition of gray whales.
Tours are one of the best ways to see the whales and they depart from both Oak Harbor and Langley.

Santa gives the "two thumbs up" sign in the Langley Parade

Throwback Holidays for Making Memories

Something special happens with a small town “dresses up” for the holidays.  Despite the weather, there’s warmth in the air.  The decorations and lights turn store fronts and streets into magical places.  That music in the street?  Those are your neighbors.  The people in the parades?  Again, your neighbors.  The restaurants?  They’re in holiday mode,…

Aerial of Orca shot from a Drone

Whale Watching Will Leave You Speechless

The waters around Whidbey and Camano Islands are often busy with whales. Gray Whales visit in the spring and both resident and transient orca are here at various times of the year. When you see them, it can leave you without words.

A woman painting on a canvas on a picnic table. She is outside in a farm field.

6 Unique Schools For a Perfect Education Vacation

Your Education Vacation Imagine this; you’re coming home from vacation laden down with several new pieces of art.   Maybe they’re a couple of paintings, or something made out of glass.  But, for this vacation, this isn’t art you bought.  It’s art you made. Or, maybe you’re returning from vacation with more confidence in your Spanish-speaking…