Northwest Glass Quest

Northwest Glass Quest

Watch how the glass balls that are the sought-after prizes at Glassquest are made by the father and son-team of Mark and Marcus Ellinger.

The Love Locks of Oak Harbor

The Love Locks of Oak Harbor

The love lock tradition has come to Oak Harbor. The engraved padlocks, fastened to chain link in the shape of a heart on the side of a downtown building called The Loft. But there’s a twist on this enduring symbol of love.
These are dedicated to the men and women who serve our country.

Oak Harbor Art Trail

Public Art is spread throughout Oak Harbor. Use this guide to find its artistic gems. Some pieces are by local artists others are nationally known.

A reproduction of a maintenance shop for a PBY Catalina airplane.

The Pacific Northwest Naval Air Museum

The PBY – Naval Air Museum tells stories through a mix of photographs, artifacts, text, military uniforms, and hands-on activities. It tells both the big stories and the small individual stories of our men and women in service.

Carl Comfort dumps a bucket of grapes into a larger gin.

Grape Harvest in the Rain

While a sommelier can tell you what tastes are in a wine, he or she cannot tell you what all really goes into a wine. That’s especially true when with the community that grows at harvest time.

World War Two era airplane and staff car.

The PBY – Naval Air Museum – The Story of Gigi

The story of the PBY-5A Catalina and how it transformed Oak Harbor into a WWII Navy Seaplane Base is a fascinating tale, and one that’s exemplified by “Gigi,” a PBY-5A Catalina that first came to Oak Harbor in 1943 and now sits on display in the city.

A Living Arch that is a Northwest Treasure

A Living Arch that is a Northwest Treasure

Every few months social media goes just a little nuts over one very popular living arch, the Laburnum Arch at Whidbey Island’s Bayview  Garden.  More accurately, there are two arches, and each spring as the Laburnum trees blossom and the golden tendrils hang down from the metal supporting arch, Bayview Garden becomes one of the…