Painter with an easel painting Crockett Lake

An Island Eduvacation – Part 1

Combining travel and learning into an “eduvacation” is an increasingly popular idea as people search for personal growth and relaxation.

The beach at Dugualla Bay

Our Best Beach This Month:
Dugulla Bay

Dugualla Bay, located on Whidbey Island’s west side, is a place for quiet contemplation and a perfect choice for Our Best Beach This Month

Clouds over Crockett Lake

Summer’s Last Hurrah

A three-day weekend and it’s back to work, school, and summer’s in the rear-view mirror. But, are we just too willing to let an arbitrary date lower the curtain on summer?

Passenger looks out at Whidbey Island approaching.

A Beautiful Commute

Riding the Clinton-Mukilteo ferry is old hat for many, but for those who stop to look, they’ll get a wonderful reminder of how beautiful this place is.