The Oak Harbor Garry Oaks

The Oak Harbor Garry Oaks

When you walk among the oak trees that dominate Smith Park in Oak Harbor, you can’t help but feel you’re among some very old living things. The 150 or so Garry Oaks in the park predate the town, and, yes, the town was named after the trees.

East Side of Captain Whidbey

Captain Whidbey

Built in 1907 on then sparsely settled Whidbey Island, Captain Whidbey Inn has an incredibly rustic personality that stands apart from 21st century cool.

The Love Locks of Oak Harbor

The Love Locks of Oak Harbor

The love lock tradition has come to Oak Harbor. The engraved padlocks, fastened to chain link in the shape of a heart on the side of a downtown building called The Loft. But there’s a twist on this enduring symbol of love.
These are dedicated to the men and women who serve our country.

A reproduction of a maintenance shop for a PBY Catalina airplane.

The Pacific Northwest Naval Air Museum

The PBY – Naval Air Museum tells stories through a mix of photographs, artifacts, text, military uniforms, and hands-on activities. It tells both the big stories and the small individual stories of our men and women in service.

World War Two era airplane and staff car.

The PBY – Naval Air Museum – The Story of Gigi

The story of the PBY-5A Catalina and how it transformed Oak Harbor into a WWII Navy Seaplane Base is a fascinating tale, and one that’s exemplified by “Gigi,” a PBY-5A Catalina that first came to Oak Harbor in 1943 and now sits on display in the city.